Elite 4

A possible new version of the game I played the most on the Spectrum 48k is being proposed on Kickstarter.com

Here David Braben talks about procedural generation and how it is being used in Elite: Dangerous

Ride-smart.org website taken down after outrage on social media.

Offensive "Stupid Twats" bike safety website is taken down by advertising company after they realise that they were "stupid twats" to think it was a good idea.

The ride-smart website described cyclists involved in accidents as "stupid" and illustrated their viewpoint with un-attributed videos they stole from youtube. The videos audio was also altered by the advertising company to show the cyclists in a bad light.

Original website - now with an apology message

Cached copy of the original site

Hadrian's wall - Connecting light

Some photos from an art installation along the length of Hadrian's wall. Balloons with internal lights pass messages sent in to a web site along the wall by translating the messages into colour sequences.

Unfortunately, the day I was there the wind had burst and knocked down quite a few of the globes. Still, it was amazing just being up on the wall at night.

Click the image for more.