Arcade Machine

Built from only the finest cheap plywood. Only been done by literally hundreds of others. I give arcade machine!...with a book shelf.

Powered by a Raspberry Pi 2 B.

Here's how it was built, and how I fixed the issues I came across.

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Ben Lawers

Had a fantastic day hillwalking yesterday. We climbed Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawers. It was one of the coldest, clearest days I've been out walking.

Click for fullsize images.

VIEW FROM THE OVERLOOK: Crafting The Shining (30 min) Directed by Gary Leva

Here's a short 30 minute film about the making of 'The Shining'.This film was originally created for a dvd re-release.
Particularly interesting is how they shot the scene which zooms into the people walking in the maze from a huge height.

'In 1966, Stanley Kubrick mused to a friend about his desire to make "the world's scariest movie." In 1980, he did it.'

VIEW FROM THE OVERLOOK: Crafting The Shining (30 min) Directed by Gary Leva from Gary Leva on Vimeo.