Night walk

Night Walk, a virtual walking tour of Marseille, France. Night Walk lets users soak up the nocturnal sights and sounds of the city at its most enchanting evening hours. Visitors can navigate the streets of Marseille with the help of a local tour guide, Julie, and can stop at interactive hot spots along the way.

Bug Man

A short film, showing the strange world of Steven Kutcher.
He came to love insects as a child and now makes a living as an insect wrangler for movies, and as a painter.

Directed by Iqbal Ahmed

Capital Trail 2016

The weather was awful. A bit of rain, but mostly wind. Crazy wind. It was a few days until the start of the second Capital Trail bikepack adventure...or race…depending on your personal disposition. I'd already signed up and was now slowly getting my stuff together in my kitchen.

Playing Lynch

This is great! and John Malkovich have recreated some of David Lynch’s most iconic characters. The Log Lady, Special Agent Dale Coope, Lynch himself and others.

Vote Trump

A short video presentation by urging America to vote Trump and make Britain great again!